Point of Reference

I had some time this morning, between organizing my piles, my digital images, and finishing an article on Faith in Rural America, so I watched an old Touched By An Angel episode. After wiping away the tears (it was the one with Wynona Judd and her son has a disease) and refreshing my coffee, I came into the living room to see president Bush beginning a speech at some global financial conference (now why would anyone ask George W. to speak here). Even though I voted for the man, and yes I am so, so sorry; I cannot stand to hear him speak. So I watched his expressions and read the synopsis phrases listed on the screen. I now think I will always “listen” to speeches this way. By muting the sound I could concentrate on his expressions which ranged from condescending, patronizing, smug, arrogant, to blank and deadpan. When I matched up the words, his appearance seemed even more ludicrous and meaningless.

Now this, I thought, is an opportunity for this man to confess his bad decisions, explain why they were made and leave us with bits of hope for the future. Forever the optimist, I was startled into seeing him deny all responsibility, casting blame all around. Well all around except for his administration. He did caution us that too much government control was a bad thing and our “difficulties” had nothing to do with the free market theology he always espoused.

After spending about twenty minutes looking into his eyes and reading the speech excerpts, I was hotter than my coffee. And then I remembered that there will never be a perfect world this side of eternity. We are all doing our best or worst, trying to slug our way through the challenges and difficulties, forgetting about or never knowing the Salvation offered by Jesus Christ. He offers peace and hope which is what began to wash over me once again.

Before I knew it, I was once again cooler than my coffee, basking in the supernatual peace freely given to me by Christ Himself. Now I can make it through another day, looking forward to His return.